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School Calendar

We are thrilled to have your children as part of our school family. To keep you updated on all the exciting events and activities throughout the year, we have embedded a calendar on our website. This calendar will be the central hub for all Preschool, Elementary, Friends of Risen Savior and other Risen Savior Academy events. From Mornings with Mommy conferences to fun community gatherings, it's the single place to check for updates. Stay connected with us by adding the calendar to your personal Google Calendar or other calendar utilities. Let's make this academic journey unforgettable together!

Adding Google Calendar to Google Calendar:


1. Click on the "+Google Calendar" button provided on the embedded calendar below. This will open the Google Calendar website or app.

2. If prompted, log in to your Google account or select the Google account you want to use for adding the calendar.

3. Click the "Add" button to add the school's calendar to your Google Calendar.


Adding Google Calendar to Outlook (or other calendar utilities):


1. Copy the Public Calendar URL provided below:



2. Open Outlook (or the calendar utility you are using).

3. In Outlook, navigate to the "Add Calendar" or "Import Calendar" option. This location might vary depending on the version of Outlook you are using.

4. Select "From Internet" or "From Web" option.

5. Paste the copied Public Calendar URL into the designated field.

6. Click "OK" or "Add" to import the school's calendar into your Outlook (or other calendar utility).

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